BEYOND 5G WEBINAR – The future of telecommunications

Publié le 30/03/2020

About this webinar
The topic for this webinar is the future of telecommunications well beyond the current hype for 5G. A pannel of well selected presenters will discuss questions like:
  1. What challenges may be insurmountable for 5G? Do they necessitate the appearance of a new paradigm as “6G”?
  2. What applications will be the key business drivers for networks beyond 5G?
  3. Is “6G” at the intersection of artificial intelligence and 5G? (having the understanding that AI can be used for more than network management and optimization)
  4. Can we expect disruption in the business models of the traditional telecom operatorsPresenters:
  • Werner Mohr (Nokia)
  • Josep Jornet (Northeastern University)
  • Isabelle Saud and Anne-Marie Ulmer Mol (Orange)
  • Marja Matinmikko-Blue (University of Oulu 6G Flagship)