EIT Digital 2021 Brokerage Event

Publié le 17/04/2020

In order to provide you as a valued partner with maximum support within our EIT Digital 2021 Innovation Factory, this Brokerage Follow Up Event on April 22 will be specifically organised for those who are looking for new partners to complement their team.

If you cannot find the right partners, if one of the initial partners in your team is now withdrawing, use this EIT Digital 2021 Brokerage Follow Up Event to pitch your need (s).

For our partners focussing on the EIT Digital 2021 Entrepreneurial Academy, this Brokerage Follow Up Event gives you the opportunity to ask questions about the Professional and Summer Schools.

How does it work?

For partners looking to complement their team of partners for the Innovation Factory, or for those who have questions for the Professional and Summer School, fill out the form with the requested details.

  • Each pitch is 2-3 minutes.
  • Script the structure of the pitches, for example: 1/ High level overview of the proposal (including if it is a venture or a product activity proposal) 2/ profile of the partner(s) that are needed.

For all other partners interested in getting to know the proposals they could play a role in, please leave details in this form and indicate which role you can play.

How do I join?

Just like the brokerage event, this meeting will also be set up via a video conference. All participants can log in via the following link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3263687367390277645