[SNS] brokerage event

Publié le 22/01/2024

The SNS R&I WP for 2024 has been (pre)released to give information on the contents of the forthcoming call.

An SNS JU Brokerage Event is now planned to allow any organisation in the wider SNS JU community to present their organisation profile and/or interests to their peers – as a introduction for possible future collaboration(s). It is scheduled to take place on 25.01.24 from 10:00 to 17:00. To participate in the event, you need to register via the form below (no later than 22.01.24 EoB if you wish to make a presentation). During your registration you may indicate if you want to present the expertise/solutions of your organization and/or any proposal ideas.  Registrations after the 22.01.24 requesting a presentation opportunity will be placed on a reserve list.

Each speaker will have 5’ to make their presentation. On 24.01.24 EoB,  the final programme will be announced here on this event page. As the time is limited, a specific number of presentations can be supported. So, if interested, please secure your place as a speaker as soon as possible. (in the case of over-subscription priority will be given to early registrations).

The limit of 5 minutes per presentation will be strictly applied. However, your presentation may contain as many slides as you want, with the understanding that extra slides will be made available as PDF files linked via the agenda on this page immediately after the event.  If you plan to offer a presentation of your organization’s profile or your idea for a project, please be aware we will need the presentations to be sent to Events@6g-ia.eu by Tuesday 23.01.24 EoB at the latest. Failure to send the presentation in time may cause your place on the agenda to be lost.

To further assist stakeholders to form competitive proposal consortia, the SNS JU Brokerage Platform is also available. In this platform, any organisation can post its expertise or proposal ideas, and of course all can browse the information posted by other stakeholders.


Where possible, the agenda will be grouped by the primary topic of interest indicated by the presenter.  A preliminary outline of the event could be:


Pitch presentations :

  • System Architecture
  • Wireless communication and Signal Processing
  • Communication Infrastructure, Technologies and Devices,
  • Reliable Services and Smart Security
  • Sustainability
  • Reliable AI for 6G Communication System and Services
  • Microelectronics for 6G networks
  • Large scale trials

Conclusions / next actions