Jusqu'au 19/09/2018
1st 5GINFIRE Open Call ‑ phase 2 “Initial experiments and additional functionalities and infrastructures for experimentation”MORE information – Submission deadline: 19 September 2018 at 17:00 Brussels local time. Feasibility check deadline: 12 September 2018.
Evolving FIRE into a 5G-Oriented Experimental Playground for Vertical Industries
5G network infrastructures and embodied technologies are considered as a key asset of this emerging common environment and instrumental for the digitalization of the traditional industries, so-called vertical industry application sectors. Addressing these key questions, the main 5GINFIRE goal is to build and operate an Open, and Extensible 5G NFV-based Reference (Open5G-NFV) ecosystem of Experimental Facilities that not only integrates existing FIRE facilities with new vertical-specific ones but also lays down the foundations for instantiating fully softwarised architectures of vertical industries and experimenting with them. The initial instantiation of the Open5G-NFV ecosystem will be driven by the automotive vertical deployed across stateof-the-art 5G infrastructures, however, it will also be as generic as possible in order to host other verticals.
In order to offer its testbeds to a wide community of experimenters, the 5GINFIRE project will organize at least two Open Calls for experiments to be implemented and executed on the top of the 5GINFIRE experimental infrastructure. Furthermore, the 5GINFIRE Open Calls will also seek for further relevant testbeds to be integrated within the 5GINFIRE experimental framework and offered to be used by the experimenters.
5GINFIRE is a three years Research and Innovation action / project under the EU programme Horizon 2020 (Grant Agreement no. 732497) started on 1 January 2017. The EC funding is 4,999,970€ and 50% of this amount is dedicated to third parties (experimenters and 5G experimental facilities owners/operators) which will be selected through the planned 5GINFIRE Open Calls.
If you have any further questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us at contact@5GinFIRE.eu