Jusqu'au 16/02/2018
The Open Call Challenge, with submission deadline in February, aims to look for Smart
City solutions, based on Open Data technology, solving real world challenges.
EMBERS (Enabling a Mobility Back-End as a Robust Service) was created to develop sharp and sustainable mobility solutions. The University Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC), which
has been coordinating the project, is looking for developers and software companies to
implement solutions to three specific and actual challenges in Porto, Cologne and Trikala.
Three times considered Best Destination, the city of Porto (Portugal) has experience on what
is called “Smart City” technologies. Considering its fast growth and aspiration for a better
traffic management, Smart Parking is the challenge to be solved in the Portuguese city.
Participants must develop a solution that not only gives a better overview on parking spaces
available throughout the city, but ultimately provides better services for drivers –
pre-reserving parking spaces and an app-based payment possibility for parking .
Besides Portugal, the Open Call Challenge encompasses another well-known European city.
Cologne (Germany) challenges applicants to have an in-depth knowledge on Smart Bicycle
Traffic . Known as the fourth largest city of Germany and Carnival’s capital, promoting new
means of transport is a main priority for its local authorities. How to create an unified cycling
community that shares insights on hazards and possible road obstructions is the core question
to this challenge.
Last but not least, Trikala (Greece) provides the challenge Smart Parking that utilizes
integrated parking data of their parking facilities. The goals is to extract relevant insights for
decision-makers on the actual usage of available parking spaces. Developers must use real
time information to provide the best parking service for citizens and tourists in one of the
oldest cities in Europe, with a history that goes back to 3,000 BC.
To accomplish all challenges, EMBERS’ back-end technology provides mobility data, all
documentation for each city, open interfaces and ready to use SDKs . Proposals must be
submitted until February 16th through the online submission portal PLACE, accessible here .
For more information, please contact:
Peter Frech, Deputy Project Lead – peter.frech@lip6.fr / +33 7 83 63 97 61
Ricardo Poeta, Communication – ricardo.poeta@embers.city / +31 6 152 08 555