Copernicus digital skills initiatives support action – Call for Tenders

The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) has launched a Call for Tenders for supporting Copernicus digital skills initiatives.
The overall objective of the envisaged support action is to further enhance the development of the technical and scientific skills needed in the domains of space data and geo-information systems.
To achieve this objective, the support action should implement the following tasks:
- Design and run a Copernicus Road Show Communication Campaign targeting EU universities;
- Ensure the transfer of experience between professionals, professors and students through networking events;
- Raise awareness about space benefits in regard of societal challenges by underlying the importance of education on space related areas;
- Boost the development of spin-offs in the university context for tackling challenges such as big data, open data or machine learning.
The overall duration of the support action shall not exceed 18 months and the maximum budget available for the execution of the tasks is EUR 800 000.
Tenderers should submit their offers by 06/09/2018 16:00 (Brussels time).
More information about the Call for Tenders (incl. tender documentation) is available here.
The present tender is published in the framework of the COSME Work Programme 2017.
In June 2016, the Commission adopted the “New Skills Agenda for Europe“, a policy document aiming at promoting skills development, supporting vocational training and higher education and reaping the full potential of digital jobs. It contains a “Blueprint for Sectorial cooperation on skills” where space (geo information) was identified as one of the six pilot sectors to pursue specific actions based on an industry-led approach.
In this framework, a first call for proposals (EACEA/04/2017) was published on 26/01/2017 under the Erasmus+ Programme Sector Skills Alliances with the objective to support, over a four-year period, the set-up of partnerships of sectorial key stakeholders who will propose actions and recommendations for the next 5 to 10 years, including the roll out of the dedicated tools and best practices. This call for proposals has resulted in the launch of the EO4GEO project.
The support action subject to the present Invitation to Tender will complement the above-mentioned call for proposals under the Erasmus+ Programme. It should also be complementary with the Copernicus user uptake activities launched by the European Commission, and in particular with the Copernicus training and information sessions and the various components of the Copernicus Start-up programme (Copernicus Masters, Copernicus Accelerator, Copernicus Incubation Programme and Copernicus Hackathon Programme).