DIH4AI 1st Open Call

Jusqu'au 31/01/2022

First DIH4AI Open Call for SME-centered AI experiments


The DIH4AI project is ready to select up to 10 SME-centered experiments focused on developing new AI solutions, to extend the AI4EU platform. The selected consortia will receive up to EUR 100.000.

DIHs will provide support to SMEs to test and experiment. 

Who can apply ?

Two types of consortia are admitted to carry out two types of experiments :

  • Intra-regional experiments
  • Cross-DIH Inter-Regionals experiments

Companies or small consortia of companies established in one of the EU Member States or H2020 associated countries.

To do what ?

The Financial Support to Third Parties is reserved for those AI and/or users SMEs associated in mini-consortia with non-profit research institutes and DIHs willing to extend and improve the DIH4AI catalogue of advanced AI components and tools and/or participate in innovative experiments in the domain of Artificial Intelligence.

When ?
  • Call closing : 31/01/2022
  • Assignation of external evaluators : 01/02/2022 – 15/03/2022

More information : click here