Jusqu'au 31/07/2019
Starting June 1st, the EIT Digital Master School launches its business cases collection campaign for the university year 2019-2020. This campaign will close on July 31st.
The collected business cases will be addressed by the EIT Digital Master School students – skilled in Digital technologies and with operational competences in innovation and entrepreneurship – during their 2nd year innovation and entrepreneurship course.
This education-industry cooperation, builds upon last years’ experience and good results: more than 90% of the companies answered to our last satisfaction questionnaire that they would like to propose cases again this year.
In a nutshell:
Key dates:
How to propose a case:
For further questions, please contact: studentscasesproposals@eitdigital.eu.
Documents Attached:
– Fact-sheet (.pdf)
– Application form (Word doc)
Lidia ZERROUKI, CLC Manager Paris
EIT Digital France