IoF2020 Open Call

Jusqu'au 31/08/2018


Register for the IoF2020 Open Call Webinar
July 20, 11.00-12.00

Take the opportunity to ask your questions and learn about the specifics of the IoF2020 Open Call. To register for the Webinar contact the support team.

The Open Call allows new use case teams to join our journey within the Internet of Food and Farm to enlarge the number of IoF2020 stakeholders and create more impact on the European farming and food sector.

If you are interested, please let us know by sharing your ideas or asking a question. If you have a team and you want to submit a proposal, make sure to preregister it on the IoF2020 website before 31 August 2018 17:00 CET and submit it before 30 September 2018 17:00 CET.

Preregister your submission

Please use the online submission form and follow the steps as described on the website:


Date Open Call Step
June 5, 2018 Open call official text publication
August 31, 2018 Deadline for preregistration of the proposal
September 30, 2018 Deadline for receiving applications
October 31, 2018 Communication of the evaluation results to applicants
December 31, 2018 Contracting with successful proposals and prepayment
January 1, 2019 Start of new use cases